Ladies and Gentlemen! A little hush PLEASE in the Two Paddocks Disco Inferno! Appearing tonight, all the way from Melbourne Australia, such an old TP friend he could be almost described as a Veteran! Simply the funniest man in Australasia! JC is in The House! With videos! On your feet, Party People, a roar of approval please! The dude has impeccable taste in Music! Yes, the Man Himself ... John Clark!
From John: Well-known South Island vintner and promising young actor Sam Neill, has a website on which he presents selections of music chosen by people with whom he has been on the turps. Here is John's list of songs, in no particular order.
Follow the links to YouTube vidoes of each song.
1964. The year I sat School Cert. Beatles up and running. British music going well. Colin Blunstone in fine voice.
Ryland Peter Cooder is a Latin expression meaning 'made of rhythm.'
Great anti-recruiting song sung by Paul Brady, a key figure in the Irish music revival and in its fusion with other music.
Nice version of the song. Good singing together. Maximum musical pedigree permissible in one youtube clip.
Great version of the song. If you like this, try Camille doing 'Look Mummy, No Hands'.
What a cracker this is. Top flight musicians going for the doctor. Stand well back.
Best version of the song I've heard. Natalie sings like Clive Lloyd used to hit sixes; slowly, majestically and with ridiculous ease.
Great writing and beautiful singing, as always. One of the songwriters of the age. 'The Harrow and the Harvest' is the album.
Just three voices. What pleasure.
Alison Krauss sings on this album? Thank you. No further questions Your Honour.
Killer songlist, John. Is there a better Irish song than “ and me cousin, one Arthur McBride." We love each and every one of these here at HQ.
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