Top Ten Tunes

Oscar Kightley


Special Guest DJ Oscar Kightley, MNZM.

Ladies and Gentlemen! On your feet, if you please, for a great New Zealander, and simultaneously a great Samoan! Yeah! I know ... crazy but true! Here he is in the Disco Inferno -- our good friend and confidant, the completely unique and utterly marvellous Oscar Kightley. "As funny as a fight," as they say in Ireland. Who knows what they say in Samoa? Do they even fight in Samoa? We love what Oscar does here at TPHQ. Excellent Actor, Writer, Producer, Comedian, TV Presenter and All Round Good Guy all of these. Having said that, who knows what Oscar does, since he is almost invariably part of an excellent collective. One of the amazing Naked Samoans (if you haven't seen Niu Sile, you haven't lived or laughed enough), and one of the guys of Bro' Town, New Zealand's wildly succesful animated series, about a bunch of kids ar a South Auckland school. If they ad a leader &at all, it was Oscar. Just as he cowrote and starred in the brilliant movie Sione's Wedding probably the best comedy ever from New Zealand, and much loved here at HQ. (Look forward to the sequel ... the Prop should have been in it, but failed the Samoan accent test somehow). The Prop was in an episode of Bro' Town "To Sam With Love" - check it out.

So here he is - one of the funniest men in New Zealand or anywhere else our friend and dance guru, on your feet please, lighters up in the DaygloDisco, Let's hear it from Club Two Paddocks his sounds, his moves his moment yes it's Oscar Kightley!

  1. Like A Rolling Stone - Jimi Hendrix, Live At Monterey

    A great song by a great  songwriter performed by a legendary great. It's like chicken and rice.  Individually they are awesome but together they are absolutely magic.

  2. You Can't Always Get What You Want - The Rolling Stones

    Philosophically it's very  sound. The title is a good thing to remember when you're planting grapes and  other assorted life activities. Surely no one on Earth has had more fun lives than  these fullas.

  3. Stir It Up - Bob Marley and The Wailers

    Not manym if anym people can  take a name like Bob and own it to such a degree that everyone knows him just  as Bob.

  4. Hot Stepper - Gregory Isaacs

    This is from Night Nurse,  his most dope album. One of the coolest guys and coolest voices who ever lived.  No wonder he was known as The Cool Ruler.

  5. The Show Goes On - Lupe Fiasco

    I would like this played at  my funeral with everyone handed the lyrics so they can rap along to it.

  6. Express Yourself - N.W.A.

    From their game-changing  first album that heralded in a golden age of hip hop in the 90s.

  7. Symphony of Sorrowful Songs - Gorecki

    I must be quite a  goth deep down. Out of this world piece of music.

  8. Atmosphere - Joy Division

    Yep definitely I am part  goth. Must be thanks to all the white kids I went to school with at Rutherford  High in Te Atatu.

  9. 93 'til Infinity - Souls of Mischief

    Part of the golden  period of 90's hip hop. One of the best beats ever created.

  10. Waiting On A Friend - The Rolling Stones

    "A smile relieves a heart  that grieves." One of the best songs about being mates ever written.

  11. Picture Me Rolling - (10s) - Tupac

    Had to have Tupac on my list so sneaking this in  as not 11 but 10s. Once you've picked all your grapes and are looking forward  to a bumper harvest you can picture yourself rolling. Either rolling drunk or  rolling in bucks.

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