As if you didn’t know that already
It is winter here, the fog lingers, the marrow freezes, the staff prune vines and nurse chillblains without complaint. And the Proprietor naturally malingers by the fireside (a strangely empty space without an old black dog slow cooking herself a la Julia Childs).
This is where and when most of the year’s meagre rumination happens – a paltry business given the Proprietor’s limited intellect and a distinct aversion to introspection.
But ... forays have been made. Last week, Prop and Mark were in Auckland for a convivial lunch at Soul to mark the new alliance between Two Paddocks and the excellent Negociants (N.Z.), who will now will be responsible for distribution nationwide. An excellent do: top food, and lashings of various superb Two Paddocks Pinots and Rieslings. We like our new pals at Negociants and we look forward to years of fruitful partnership (hopefully they can ameloriate the constant complaints we receive from TP admirers who have trouble finding it around N.Z.) And of course, Negociants loves our wine – we say in all modesty!
Speaking of modesty and our wine, winter rumination has brought the Prop to some rather startling conclusions re value for money.
It may be remembered that we recently drank with some relish a bottle of La Tache 2000 (courtesy of Negociants Australia), a rash move when one considers that one should expect to pay about $2,000 for a bottle of this superb Burgundy.
However, pondering further, we came to the following thought:
Given that La Tache 2000 is, admittedly, objectively speaking, possibly a marginally superior wine to TP 2006 or 2007 (now widely available), either
Mmm. You decide. Personally, we prefer option 1. In the meantime, we offer all our Pinots at absurdly affordable prices.
[email protected]
+64 3 449 2756
PO Box 506
Alexandra 9340
Central Otago
New Zealand
Sale of Liquor License Ref: OF129
Licence No. 67/OFF/30/2022
Expires 24th August 2025