Proprietor on the Road...Again

The Proprietor has left the office for some personal research into T.P. availability in London.

Results so far: The Ivy: Has T.P. in stock but it is not on the winelist. You have to ask nicely, and wink at the same time; and if you do both a bottle will appear. Well worth the effort.

Providores: still out of stock ... make a fuss.

Haynes Hanson and Clark: In stock. Staff as charming as ever. Could even let you have a case if you charm them back! Please note:- THEY HAVE MOVED:

7 Elystan St Chelsea S.W.3 0207 584 7927

Research continues…

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Sale of Liquor License Ref: OF129
Licence No. 67/OFF/30/2022
Expires 24th August 2025

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