New Yard

Vibrant ...

The bird nets go on this week as we pass veraison, but before we throw a veil over everything, here is a cracker shot of the new vineyard. Early morning of a perfect Otago summer’s day. Beautiful, n'est-ce pas?

Just so you can get your bearings – the building on the right is the Old Woolshed, and to its left, the house. Behind the big trees at the rear of the yard is Felton Road Wines, and beyond them, Mt Difficulty and so on. At the extreme left, a glimpse of Terra Sancta.

And behind the big hills in the distance, Redbank and the Last Chance.

Know where you are now? Good ....

Last month, we had the traditional handing over, officially, of the yard from Desert Heart to Two Paddocks. Denny, Jane and the Prop poured a bottle each of TP and DH onto a vine. Good luck, good wine and good health will flow on to all, naturally. Great day!

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Central Otago
New Zealand


Sale of Liquor License Ref: OF129
Licence No. 67/OFF/30/2022
Expires 24th August 2025

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