All Pigs Are Pigs!

PootsAll Pigs Are Pigs!

A rose by any other name...

The livestock on the HQ vineyard Redbank are increasing almost by the day. Not only has the cow FINALLY, reluctantly, calved; but we now have a new sow.

And a great beauty she is too.

Meanwhile, while Ginger Pig is mothering three piglets, fathered by our bloke pig Angelica, the bloke in question has found his solitary paddock graced by the New Sow of Great Beauty.

Angelica can’t believe his luck and is showering her with attention. It seems almost cruel to break the news to him she is already in the family way by ... a prior arrangement.

The new sow, being of great beauty, is of course called Imogen Poots. Poots for short.

Angelica and Poots

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Expires 24th August 2025

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